In place of wedding gifts, we're inviting everyone who would like to, to participate in our registree to make a shared orchard on our future farm. Each registree will get a beautiful, permanent copper tag for the person that contributes it so as they grow we can remember you (or the person the tree represents if given in memory), and all participants will receive a box of fruit once a year when the orchard or your tree is at its peak.
Albie and GPT worked together to make us with its very own fancy domain and design, all the trees in rainbow order, and many other excellent features. The site lets you select the size(s) of the tree you would like to contribute and check out. After you select the trees, you'll get a never ending tree fractal which eventually turns to fall colors. A big shout out and thank you to Albie and the AI for bringing to life :) All funds go into escrow in our joint account until such time as we are ready for trees. Note if for any reason you would prefer to contribute a tree through the official The Knot Registry, you can also still do that here ( Also note that the tree prices on are specific to tree size, where as for the registry site we defaulted to a mature tree since we could only pick one size.
Here are just some of the trees we plan to grow. Some will need some greenhouse support, others we expect to thrive outside, and still others need to be carefully placed with buffers in between to minimize disease while still supporting cross pollination. Growing trees is one of the most rewarding processes because they do a ton of the work by themselves, and also produce incredible fruits, nuts, and flowers, and also require all kinds of thought and care to succeed without pesticides or herbicides.