One of our biggest goals for the wedding is to give everyone a chance to share the things, people, places and aspects of themselves they love with others.
A friend Kate has the most incredible Fast Raft company down by Monterey and those up for a drive and then the most incredible experience on the water up close and person with whales are encouraged to join her. Note all the good pictures here are hers, and if you want to join for whales the quieter on the water time is in the morning and it's much easier to stay down by the launch site to not need to get up quite so early to get there. That said this is a once in a lifetime (weather dependent) experience we would love to share with all of you.
One of the best parts of San Francisco is its food. There are incredible, tiny, inexpensive places selling food from just about every ethnic region, farmers markets, pastry shops and fancy white table options designed to fit together like a novel. We'll decide exactly what path to take based on who wants to go and what people are hungry for.
One of the magics of Stinson and Bolinas are their proximity to Point Reyes national sea shore. Point Reyes sits to one side of the San Andreas Fault and during the 1906 earthquake shifted locations by more than 20 feet. It's a place with big trees, long beaches, and an opportunity to hike as for or for as long as you could possibly want in a day. We have a number of friends who have grown up with Pt Reyes as a core part of their lives and we're looking forward to their sharing it with you.
We picked our wedding date to coincide with a negative tide so people could go out and explore the tide pools off the beach in Bolinas just across the lagoon. There is a large rocky ledge that extends a few hundred feet out into the ocean, and all kinds of creatures that are exposed as the water recedes. The lowest tide on Friday is just after sunset, so this is an evening activity around 6 led by friends who love and know the ocean. The tide pools are very slippery, and the path down to the beach is pretty steep and our one wedding rule is that everyone stays safe and sound so if you join, please be careful. There is a sandy beach to the ride of the tide pools that is beautiful if you just want to walk the ocean.